So now that I'm on Instagra, I like to follow people with similar likes as me. At first I searched for an official Orlando Instagram account, but to no avail there weren't any. Instead I found this great fan page for him, @orlandobloomer. It has a ton of great pictures of him! I've literally spent hours looking at all the yummy photos! So check it out!
A blog for everything and anything Orlando Bloom: News, stories, pictures videos and more. Orlando Bloom fans rejoice!
Orlando Bloom

Friday, February 28, 2014
Thursday, February 27, 2014
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Monday, February 24, 2014
The Orli Interview of the Week
My Movie Musings - 'Kingdom of Heaven'
Here is my next installment of 'My Movie Musings'. Over the weekend I watched 'Kingdom of Heaven' the director's cut. I didn't think this film would be as exciting as some of Orlando's other movies, because it was a historical flick. But boy, was I wrong! This was another great movie, and co-starred Liam Neeson and Eva Green as Orlando's princess love interest. Orlando was really good in this, he didn't have that much dialogue compared to his other movies, but a lot of screen time and intense fight scenes! He played Balien of Ibelin, a french blacksmith who is offered to go off with his father to protect the pilgrim roads of Jerusalem, and becomes a fearless knight. All of his characters have so much heart, weather they are an elf, pirate, or young adult, and his character was no different. *If you haven't seen the movie then don't read further, spoilers!*
In the beginning of the film he looses his unborn child and wife, who commits suicide and has lost his way. He decides to go with his father (Liam Neeson) to try and find himself in the Kingdom of Heaven, and repent the sins of his wife and himself. I must admit the film was quite bloody, heads being cut off, blood splattering everywhere, but I am becoming quite use to that, since I've watched the Lord of the Rings. It was a bit dramatic at times, but then again it was a dramatic story to tell. Orlando was so good with the fighting, he most certainly has an upper hand with the sword wielding skill and actiony skills. I'm not sure why him killing people and being all intense is so hot, but it is on him! For a Hollywood action movie, it was historically accurate. I took History of Western Civilization last semester and we studied the crusades for a bit, and I recognized all the names, Saladin, Richard of Lionheart, (at the end of the movie) and the motives for the crusades, which was to protect the Holy land and the pilgrimage roads in the late 1100's. The music was really good throughout the film as well. And the best part of the whole movie was a love scene between Balien and the princess. It was so romantic with the crickets and the background and soooo hot!!!! He did the pick the girl up and makeout against the wall move, which was yumm. And he was shirtless in it and I really don't know how I didn't pass out while watching the scene, but I was quite breathless! My favorite love or kiss scene of Orlando! Overall really good movie, a bit bloody and long, but a cool story and a great Orlando performance!
Kingdom of Heaven - 144 minutes Action and Adventure Rated 'R'
Orlando Rating: 4 Stars
In the beginning of the film he looses his unborn child and wife, who commits suicide and has lost his way. He decides to go with his father (Liam Neeson) to try and find himself in the Kingdom of Heaven, and repent the sins of his wife and himself. I must admit the film was quite bloody, heads being cut off, blood splattering everywhere, but I am becoming quite use to that, since I've watched the Lord of the Rings. It was a bit dramatic at times, but then again it was a dramatic story to tell. Orlando was so good with the fighting, he most certainly has an upper hand with the sword wielding skill and actiony skills. I'm not sure why him killing people and being all intense is so hot, but it is on him! For a Hollywood action movie, it was historically accurate. I took History of Western Civilization last semester and we studied the crusades for a bit, and I recognized all the names, Saladin, Richard of Lionheart, (at the end of the movie) and the motives for the crusades, which was to protect the Holy land and the pilgrimage roads in the late 1100's. The music was really good throughout the film as well. And the best part of the whole movie was a love scene between Balien and the princess. It was so romantic with the crickets and the background and soooo hot!!!! He did the pick the girl up and makeout against the wall move, which was yumm. And he was shirtless in it and I really don't know how I didn't pass out while watching the scene, but I was quite breathless! My favorite love or kiss scene of Orlando! Overall really good movie, a bit bloody and long, but a cool story and a great Orlando performance!
Kingdom of Heaven - 144 minutes Action and Adventure Rated 'R'
Orlando Rating: 4 Stars
Sunday, February 23, 2014
Shakespeare Plays - Then & Now
So on Wednesday my 'Intro to Shakespeare' class went to one of our school libraries at San Francisco State University and looked at some of the 1st and 2nd folio's of Shakespeare's work. It was so neat to see books from the early 1600's. Love the old book smell, and I appreciate that his plays are still done today, like Romeo and Juliet! Orlando did such a great job as Romeo! Anyways, here are some pictures of Shakespeare works from 400 years ago to today.
Friday, February 21, 2014
My Top 4 Legolas Moments
I recently re-watched the Lord of the Rings trilogy so now I'm going to post my top for favorite Legolas moments! He is so amazing! I think he's my favorite character that Orlando played, its a really close tie with Drew from 'Elizabethtown', and Will Turner.
#4 Legolas and Aragorn Pre-Battle: This scene is a bit small, but heartwarming, when they try to have faith in each other and not loose hope in the face of battle. Legolas is so sweet and you can tell he is a true friend.
#3 Legolas and Grimli Drinking Game: This game is so cute and funny. Here you can see the lighter side of Legolas, being challenged with a drinking game, who finds it merely simple, but makes him feel a bit different. I wonder how many shots an elf would need before he started to slur his words, or would it just never effect them?
#2 Battle of Helms Deep: This is a great showcase for Legolas's archery skill, he is so amazing! Also love his little joke with Grimli, 'Shall I describe it to you, or would you like me to find you a box?' Love him!!! I don't think many elves have such a good sense of humor, right before battle tool!
#1 Legolas Takes Down the Oliphant: This is by far, the coolest, most gracefull, badass, and Legolasy moment in the whole series in my opinion.
Legolas Hair Tutorial
Thursday, February 20, 2014
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
The Daily Orlando: More Charity Work
Hello everyone, finally we have some new Orlando news! Orlando is now helping to support the 'Share a Star' organization, which helps sick children and teenagers under 21. How sweet! We all know that he likes to participate in charities and has also done a lot of work with Unicef. Check out 'share a star' on Facebook or online.
Here's a little interview of his previous charity work, he's so amazing and has such a kind heart!!!
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Orlando Quote of the Day and Fan Mail
So recently I decided to write a fan letter to Orlando Bloom's fan mail team. I also requested an autographed photo, so hopefully I'll get a response!!! If you want to write to him requesting an autograph, you should include a photo for him to sign, and a stamped and addressed envelope for them to send it back to you. I have no idea how long it will take to get a response, but if I do get one, I will be an incredibly happy girl. Here is his address: Orlando Bloom
c/o Spanky Taylor
3727, W. Magnolia Blvd.
Suite 300
Burbank, CA 91505
Also here is the Orlando quote of the day Hehe!
"I don't do a film unless it has a sword in it. And if it doesn't have a sword in it, I insist that they have one in the same room to keep me comfortable."
-Orlando Bloom
c/o Spanky Taylor
3727, W. Magnolia Blvd.
Suite 300
Burbank, CA 91505
Also here is the Orlando quote of the day Hehe!
"I don't do a film unless it has a sword in it. And if it doesn't have a sword in it, I insist that they have one in the same room to keep me comfortable."
-Orlando Bloom
My Other Orlando Creations
Here are some of my other Orlando Bloom inspired creations! Starting with a haiku and some word art done with sharpie.
So now after recently seeing Lord of the Rings for the first time, I am quite in love with Orlando Bloom, so I wanted to write a quick poem about him with some of my favorite words. In the haiku 5-7-5 format.
Created by iluvtopazeyes on Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Sunday, February 16, 2014
My Movie Musings: Romeo and Juliet on Broadway
So today, I saw Romeo and Juliet with Orlando Bloom at the Clay Theatre in San Francisco, and it was f.a.b.u.l.o.u.s!!! I was so excited when they announced that they were going to release it in theatre's so I immediately looked up theatre's around the San Francisco metropolitan area and found the theatre on Filmore Street. Anyways, I went to an 11 o' clock show and it was great that there were no previews before it, since at normal movies theres like 20 minutes of previews, but it got right into the show. Orlando was amazing. I love him even more after seeing this, his acting ability is so amazing, and Condola Rashad was excellent as well! She is one lucky girl!! Anyways, the opening was really cool and intense as promised. I loved the set, how it only had a few props and one backdrop, it really made me focus on the dialogue and the actors. I loved how he came out on the motorcycle, with the fire on the stage that was really cool, an amazingly hot entrance! They did such a good job filming it too, it felt almost live! I also loved their costumes, I liked the modern take on them. Orlando looked so good in those jeans and tee-shirt oh my gosh. He is just so perfect though, his facial expressions and how he delivered the lines. The other characters were also portrayed really well, I especially liked the Nurse, and Mercutio, they added a bit of comic relief to it which was nice, since its such a tragic play. The music throughout it was really wonderful too, it helped make scenes more intense when needed, or more light when needed. Everything flowed quite nicely during the play! Overall it was wonderfully done and Orlando did an amazing, fantastic, breathtaking, and heartfelt Romeo!!!
Romeo and Juliet on Broadway 2014 -135 minutes
Orlando Rating: 4 hearts
Romeo and Juliet on Broadway 2014 -135 minutes
Orlando Rating: 4 hearts
Saturday, February 15, 2014
My Orlando Bloom Playlist
The other day I decided to create a mix tape, and came up with the idea of a Orlando themed playlist of songs. Some are from his movies, some are just songs that remind me of him, and some are just for fun. You can check out i-tunes if you like my playlist choices!
1) It'll All Work Out -3:12- Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
2) Lonely Boy -3:14- The Black Keys
3) My Father's Gun -6:21- Elton Johm
4) Everything and Nothing -4:25- The Boom Circuits
5) Toxic -3:19- Britney Spears
6) From Now On -3:22- The Featues
7) If I Needed Someone -2:24- The Beatles
8) Fire in the Water -2:31- Feist
9) Pom Poms -3:18- Jonas Brothers
10) Turning Page -4:16- Sleeping at Last
11) Carried Away -3:42- Passion Pit
12) Shake it Out -3:51- Florence and the Machine
13) Come Pick Me Up -5:18- Ryan Adams
14) You Can't Hurry Love -2:03- The Concretes
15) We Are Young -1:27- fun. Feat. Janelle
1) It'll All Work Out -3:12- Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers
2) Lonely Boy -3:14- The Black Keys
3) My Father's Gun -6:21- Elton Johm
4) Everything and Nothing -4:25- The Boom Circuits
5) Toxic -3:19- Britney Spears
6) From Now On -3:22- The Featues
7) If I Needed Someone -2:24- The Beatles
8) Fire in the Water -2:31- Feist
9) Pom Poms -3:18- Jonas Brothers
10) Turning Page -4:16- Sleeping at Last
11) Carried Away -3:42- Passion Pit
12) Shake it Out -3:51- Florence and the Machine
13) Come Pick Me Up -5:18- Ryan Adams
14) You Can't Hurry Love -2:03- The Concretes
15) We Are Young -1:27- fun. Feat. Janelle
Thursday, February 13, 2014
How to Celebrate Singles Awareness Day - Orlando Bloom Style
So for those of you who aren't going out with a special someone tomorrow, (including me) heres some tips on how to still enjoy the day, Orlando style!
Tip #1: Stock up on Orlando movies. Prepare for a major marathon with some of his greatest movies. My favorites, 'Lord of the Rings', 'Elizabethtown', and 'Pirates of the Caribbean'. Indulge yourself with some of his hottest characters!
Tip #1: Stock up on Orlando movies. Prepare for a major marathon with some of his greatest movies. My favorites, 'Lord of the Rings', 'Elizabethtown', and 'Pirates of the Caribbean'. Indulge yourself with some of his hottest characters!
Tip #2 Feast. Valentines day is like Halloween for single girls, so while your watching your movies set out a huge spread. Popcorn, hot chocolate, See's Candy, and chocolate chip cookie dough are my favorites.
Tip #2 Spend hours drooling over Orlando pictures. My favorite past-time any ole' day, but he is most definately a sight for sore eyes. Check out one of my favorite Orlando websites, where they have galleries of public apperences, and photo shoots galore. Love this website!
Tip #3 Get in cozy clothes. You have to be cozy and warm to enjoy your movies and food. Wrap up in a fuzzy blankie, put on some sweats, and slip into some slippers.
Tip #4 Search Orlando Bloom one YouTube and watch every video. He is such a great person, charming, polite, funny and oh so lovable. Sit back and enjoy the best of him on YouTube.
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Orlando Quote of the Day
Hello everyone,
Here is the next Orlando quote of the day! "When I was nine, I had this girlfriend and we used to have races in the park. I wanted to be like Superman and fly in and rescue her."
-Orlando Bloom
Monday, February 10, 2014
'Elizabethtown' Claire Inspired Outfit and the Orlando Bloom Quote of the Day
Another website I enjoy is Polyvore. A fashion and design website where you can make 'style sets' and view other people's set or shop. So I created a Elizabethtown inspired outfit from Drew's (Orlando) love interest, spunky and fun Claire. You can take a look at it here:
I will also be posting a daily Orlando Bloom quote for my blog! Hope you enjoy!
"When you start falling for somebody and you can't stop thinking about when you're going to see them again, I love that. Women are beautiful. They deserve to be cherished and respected."
-Orlando Bloom
I will also be posting a daily Orlando Bloom quote for my blog! Hope you enjoy!
"When you start falling for somebody and you can't stop thinking about when you're going to see them again, I love that. Women are beautiful. They deserve to be cherished and respected."
-Orlando Bloom
The Daily Orlando: At the 71st Annual Golden Globe Awards
Another quick news update on Orlando, he recently attended the 71st Annual Golden Globe Awards, where he reunited with his 'Haven' co-star Zoe Saldana, who recently signed on to 'Avatar 2, 3, and 4'. He looked amazingly handsome and flawless in a classic black tux. *If you want even more Orlando news, updates, and photos check out I've literally spent hours on their site checking out all the drool worthy Orlando photos they have, time well spent!
My Legolas Fanfiction: Chapter 3
Chapter 3 Sight for Sore Eyes: Katrina and company arrive at Rivendell and Katrina attends the consuel and dinner with Legolas, which makes her fall even harder for the elf prince. *Author's Note: So I know I may have chronological events out of order or incorrect, but this story is about Legolas and Katrina only.*
As we entered the gates of Rivendell I experienced a wave of deja vu. Legolas gently lifted me from his horse, and set me on the ground. I was a bit heavier than your average knapsack, but much shorter than Legolas, a mere 5'5 to his 6'2. "Thank you again, for letting me ride with you. I must admit it was nice to rest my eyes."
As we entered the gates of Rivendell I experienced a wave of deja vu. Legolas gently lifted me from his horse, and set me on the ground. I was a bit heavier than your average knapsack, but much shorter than Legolas, a mere 5'5 to his 6'2. "Thank you again, for letting me ride with you. I must admit it was nice to rest my eyes."
"It was no problem at all." His blonde hair danced in the wind, his deep blue eyes smoldered, and my heartfluttered as he smiled at me. I wondered if he thought I was mental. "Are you going to be joing us for the consuel and dinner?" He asked, shaking me out of my reveri. "Well, yes I hope to. But of course I must recieve permission from Elrond first. I've already trespassed on a delicate situation." As soon as my words left my mouth Elrond, looking as young as he would 500 years earlier strolled over to our party. "Aragorn, Legolas we've been expecting you."
"So you recieved our message." Aragorn responded. "Yes, I did. I must confess it makes me quite worrisome to think that Sam and Frodo are going to Mt. Doom alone, without a guide, without protection. But, we must have faith that they will be able to destroy the ring and its power." Elrond shuttered and looked over toward me. "And who is this?" I offered a low bow, "I am Katrina, daughter of Malik. I've come here under the order of the Rohan Daily to record and report on the events that are most signifigantly effecting Middle Earth."
"If I may ask, how many years are you?"
"I'll turn 21 in three months." He must of thought I was an old maid by now. "What an ambitious young lady. I can see that you have great potential within you. You may come to our counsuel and dinner, but you must swear that what you hear remains with only yourself."
"Of course my lord." With that all settled and introductions made, I was showed to my expansive room. The west facing room was strewn with light and had arched windows, intricately carved chandeliers, and sparkeling marble floors. Everything was literally perfect here, the views, the slim ivory colored furniture, and even the people. Especially Legolas; even though he was a swift killer there was a gentilness about him, how he was so conencted to nature, and how he moved his body so gracefully. At times I would often watch him out of the corner of my eye, lovingly stroking his horse, and whispering words to him in elvish. This wasn't good, I was thinking about him again too much. He was always so nice and polite to me, a good companion but I don't think he saw me any differently than that. I knew I shouldn't grow feelings for him; however, as soon as I told myself that it only made me like him even more. Why even lie to myself? I was falling hard for him. I let these thoughts idlessly run through my mind as I drew a bath for myself. The warm water felt so decadant after camping in the cold for so long. Even though I knew it was pointless, I tried to make myself look good for him. I washed my hair with a basin of rose water that was sitting on a shelf next to the deep tub, and used some wonderfully smelling soap of eculyptus and mint. Seeing as it was almost five o' clock, I got out and wrapped myself in a soft towel, wondering what on earth I was going to wear. But to my great delight I noticed that a wide array of clothing was laid out on my bed. Evey piece was beautiful, with fabrics of shimmery silk, and vibrant colors of autumn orange and sappire blue. I chose the sapphire blue dress with a layered skirt, and delicate beading along the neck line. I didn't look as good as the eleven girls but pretty good, the dress exposed my shoulders a bit and complemented my green eyes. Just as I was running a brush through my hair, there was a light knock on the door. I pulled on some leather sandals as I struggled to open the door. "Legolas." I exclaimed stupidly. "You look quite lovely. Are you ready to go down to the counsuel." Heat rushed to my cheeks immediately. "Thank you. I guess I clean up okay then. Yes lets go." We walked down to a brilliant courtyard with wooden benches and all sorts of flowers growing within the cracks of the pave stones. Of course I took a seat next to Legolas and waited for the meeting to begin. Elrond rose, "My friends you now know that Sam and Frodo have left the company of Aragorn, Legolas, and Grimli. He is deteremined to reach Mt. Doom by himself." One elf I didn't have a name for stood up, "Perhaps we should go after him, I find it hard to put so much trust in a halfling."
"No I think we should not. Frodo is afraid that one of us will take it and use the ring for our own advantages. I've seen this fear grow in his eyes more and more. He is unlikey to trust anyone. We must beleive in him."
"That is true Legolas, I don't think that to be wise. The ring cultivates many fears. But wait, where is Boromir?" There was sigh between Aragorn, Legolas and Grimil. Aragorn finally spoke up, "He has departed this world. But he died quite valiantly, saving the lives of Merry and Pippin. And now the enimies are closing in on Gondor, the orks have already started toward Gondor." I could see this troubled both Legolas and Aargorn. I didn't see Boromir's life be taken but I heard the screams of pain and sorrow. The rest of the meeting consited of deciding weather they were going to help Gondor. To my fear Legolas volunteered. The thought of him fighting thousands of orks was not a reassuring feeling to me. Finally it was time for dinner, and we were seated at a long mahogony table. I was forced to sit next to Grimli this time so I daydreamed about playing footsies with Legolas under the table. Doing so, I idotically made a fairly large gash in my hand while cutting my turkey. I managed not to bleed all over the place while everyone finished their dinner, but after Legolas came up to me and said,, "Let me help you with that." Even though I felt like a fool for cutting myself I gladly excepted his help. He gave me a cloth to wrap my hand in while we walked aways down the hall to another room with shelfs of what looked liked medical and herbal supplies. He carefully held my hand hand poured some cool liquid on my hand, wrapping a bandage around my hand. I wasn't really aware of the stinging pain, because I was more aware of how close he was to me. However, the pain got the best of me and I winced. "I'm sorry, I have archers hands. I know they might be a bit rough." I tried to concentrate on my breathing so I wouldn't pass out, his hands were perfect, big strong, and gentle. "It's alright." Our eyes met, I had to concentrate on my breathing even more. There was no one in the room, he face was inches from mine, I wanted to kiss him so badly it hurt. For some reason I had a feeling he would be a secretly good kisser. He rubbed his hand on my arm, "There you go all done. It should heal rather quickly." I sighed, there was no way he would kiss me. "Thank you." I gave a feeble smile, as I was about to get up, but to my utter astonishment he was slowly leaning in. Was this my imagination working over drive? I stayed very still as he placed his hand on my face seeming to test out the experience of it. I closed my eyes and waited as he placed his lips on mine. Right at that moment the door burst open and the moment faded away as quickly as it arose. Of course it was Grimil again, he had singed his eyebrows while smoking. "Do you have anything that will make these grown back?"
"I'm not sure have a look around though."
"Well I guess I better turn in for the night."
"I'll walk you back to your room Katrina, I wouldn't want you getting lost." All I could do was smile in response as we walked up the corridor together.
Sunday, February 9, 2014
My Movie Musings - 'Sympathy for Delicious'
Here begins my new series, 'Movie Musings'. In these blog posts I will give my thoughts and opinions on the Orlando Bloom movies I've seen. I'll also give it a rating 1-4 hearts, based on his acting and overall hotness.
So last night I watched Sympathy for Delicious, and knowing that it was small film was pleasantly suprised, although I must admit I wished that Orlando had more screen time. Anyways this film was directed by Mark Ruffalo, and written by Christopher Thornton. It was slightly based on true events, as Mark's friend became paralyzed after a hiking accident, and he was encouraged by Mark to continue acting, but found writing to be an easier outlet. Similarly the main character, Dean, or Delicious is paralyzed from a motor bike accident and struggles with living in his car. He was a successful DJ but has a loss of inspiration. He soon finds that he can heal people from blindness and terminal diseases, so a local Father from a homeless shelter brings him in to heal people. Meanwhile, he is discovered by a singer from The Stain's (Orlando) band and she wants him to be in the band for his DJing skills. However, The Stain wants to capitalize on Dean's healing powers to make them popular and wealthy. After a twist in the plot it sends the characters into a spiral of events. As Orlando has mentioned in many of his interviews, this movie does have a lot of heart. It was interesting to see the side of someone living on the streets, seeings the character arcs of this movie were quite interesting as well. Orlando's character Stain was quite different than his usual characters, he was a hardcore, rocker who's wardrobe mainly consisted of ripped shirts or no shirts (yumm). But its a nod to his acting skills, since he can play all types of characters. To summarize, this isn't a movie I would normally pick out to see, seeing as Orlando was in it I decided to watch it and was pleasantly entertained and intrigued.
Sympathy for Delicious - 2010, 96 minutes rated R.
Orlando rating 21/2 hearts.
So last night I watched Sympathy for Delicious, and knowing that it was small film was pleasantly suprised, although I must admit I wished that Orlando had more screen time. Anyways this film was directed by Mark Ruffalo, and written by Christopher Thornton. It was slightly based on true events, as Mark's friend became paralyzed after a hiking accident, and he was encouraged by Mark to continue acting, but found writing to be an easier outlet. Similarly the main character, Dean, or Delicious is paralyzed from a motor bike accident and struggles with living in his car. He was a successful DJ but has a loss of inspiration. He soon finds that he can heal people from blindness and terminal diseases, so a local Father from a homeless shelter brings him in to heal people. Meanwhile, he is discovered by a singer from The Stain's (Orlando) band and she wants him to be in the band for his DJing skills. However, The Stain wants to capitalize on Dean's healing powers to make them popular and wealthy. After a twist in the plot it sends the characters into a spiral of events. As Orlando has mentioned in many of his interviews, this movie does have a lot of heart. It was interesting to see the side of someone living on the streets, seeings the character arcs of this movie were quite interesting as well. Orlando's character Stain was quite different than his usual characters, he was a hardcore, rocker who's wardrobe mainly consisted of ripped shirts or no shirts (yumm). But its a nod to his acting skills, since he can play all types of characters. To summarize, this isn't a movie I would normally pick out to see, seeing as Orlando was in it I decided to watch it and was pleasantly entertained and intrigued.
Sympathy for Delicious - 2010, 96 minutes rated R.
Orlando rating 21/2 hearts.
Saturday, February 8, 2014
My Legolas Fan Art
I dabble in art as well as writing, so one day when I was board I drew a picture of Legolas for my friend to put up in her dorm. It was also a great excuse to study him for half an hour. Even though its the greatest, it was fun nevertheless!
*If you want to submit your Orlando fan drawings then please see the contact form at the bottom of the blog!
Friday, February 7, 2014
My Top 4 Orlando Bloom Interviews
Here are my top four all time favorite Orlando Interviews! Hope you enjoy!
#4 Jimmy Kimmel Live: December 3rd, 2013. In this fairly recent interview, Orlando talked about his past nicknames, Irish best friends, the newHobbit movie, and his cat 'Orlando Magic'. Quite an interesting name, but he is as always funny and charming in this interview, and praises Peter Jackson's directing skills. Love his red jeans, and he has such a great smile!!! (Parts Two and Three will be provided in the 'links' section of my blog for you to check out!
#3 Ellen: April 29th, 2011. This is one of my favorite Ellen videos, although it didn't make number 1. Here Orlando comes out and shows off his 'Ellen' underwear, which needless to say is incredibly sexy and cute, and mentions he usually goes commando. Another incredibly heart stopping thought. He is just so sweet when he greets Ellen, what a great hug he gives her! He talks about his baby and how he is a proud daddy which is quite precious! And Ellen laments that they were planning on having kids. Not a bad joke! She also shows some old baby photos of Orlando, which are equally as precious! But oh my gosh he is just so sexy in this!
#2 Chelsea Lately: October 19th, 2011. Another hilarious interview, Orlando leaps onto stage, and talks about his 'Three Muskateers' movie, where he plays an evil gay guy and jokes that his character wore purple silk boxer shorts, to protect his balls. He also talks about his baby and how he was there for the entire delivery, what a devoted husband! He also talks about his trip to Antarctica, and Chelsea mentions she loves books on Antarctica. His entry on stage is adorable and cool and as always he looks perfect!
#1 Ellen: July 14th, 2007. This is my all time FAVORITE Orlando Bloom interview. This also was the first one I saw of him on Youtube and it made me love him even more. He has the amazing rugged hair from doing Pirates, and just looks amazing, plus I love how he greets women; a kiss on each cheek and a hug, ahh! Ellen goes over his list of injuries which are quite terrifying and amazing, especially how he broke his back after falling down three stories, and having his mom whack his head on a tree. He also talks about his house under construction in London and his goals on his life list which include cooking and learning how to play the bongos. So Ellen gives him some bongo books and his reaction is priceless, he's so cute like a kid on christmas morning! Then he gets to play with Shiela E. And she is soo incredibly lucky since he kissed her on the cheek like four times, I love Ellen's reaction, 'oh my god'. Lol, seem like a great trade! Again, I will post part two and three in the links section!
More of my Legolas Fanfiction: Chapter Two
Chapter 2 On the Road Again: Katrina decides to travel with the disbanded fellowship, now that Sam and Frodo have left on their own, and gets a lift from her favorite elf.
So now we were on the road again, on our way to Rivendell to have a consuel with the Elves. It would take a couple days, as we were pretty far out from any Elven cities for that matter. To try and not waste time we traveled day and night, leaving a small amount of time to rest, since only two of us needed it. It was the third day of travel, and truthfully I was getting qutie tired. For the past couple of weeks, I hadn't really notied how tired I really was, due to the adventure and adrenaline. Usually by the end of the day I would get a second wind, and scrawl some notes on my parchment while my horse galloped along. But now we were crossing a stream, and the sounds of the gurgeling water and the motion of the horse was really flirting with my ability to keep my eyes open. I didn't want to pass out on my horse in a pathetic way, it was no doubt that Aragon was tired too; we all had dark circles under our eyes, except for Legolas. By now, the mane of my horse was looking like a nice place to lay my head down for a bit. My eyes were so heavy that I had to force them to stay open and navigate my horse. Maybe if I just shut my eyes for one second... defeated I closed my eyes and let a woderful sleep wash over me. Next thing I new I was drifting into consciousness, although I didn't want to open my eyes or move because I was so comfortable. I felt a warm body behind me, the gentle rhythm of someones's breath, and their hair tickeling my face. I peeked up from under my eyelashes and saw Legolas's silvery blonde hair and his arms around me, holding the reins of the horse. "What happened"? I thought, did I fall off my horse, please tell me I didn't because that would be quite embarassing. Now that I thought back, I remembered only closing for my eyes for one second. I must of fallen asleep. "Good evening sleeping beauty." Legolas smiled down at me. I tried to sit up straighter in the saddle and fix my hair which probably lookd like a haystack. "Hi, oh my gosh how long was I out? Usually I don't really pass out like that. I'm sorry, you didn't have to carry me."
"About 10 hours. We're nearly there now. And it's quite alright, I thought maybe you should ride with me when you were practically dangeling off your horse." So I didn't fall off, that was good at least. "Wow, well thank you I didn't want to be a burden but then again I'm just a puny human. I'm glad we're nearly there, I must look a fright."
"Not at all, and don't degrade yourself, personally I think your quite brave to have volunteered to come with us. I'm sure it hasn't been all that enjoyable to be with us. And to the contrary you look quite beautiful." I blushed and stared very hard at the side of my boots. "Thank you, thats so kind of you to say, and for the record how could I not be enjoying myself when I have such nice company." I tried to give a smodlering smile than the beautiful Elven girls would give, and internally slapped myself for such blunt flirting. "Likewise." He replied and gently brushed the side of my hand. I hoped that he wouldn't notice my racing heartbeat as we entered the gates of Rivendell.
Orlando Bloom Movies I've Seen-List Continued
Here is my continued list of Orlando Bloom movies I've seen and some pictures. Later I will start 'My Movie Musings' and share my thoughts and reactions on his movies.
1) The Good Doctor
1) The Good Doctor
2) New York I Love You
3) Main Street
4) Elizabethtown
5) Pirates of the Caribbean - Dead Man's Chest
6) Haven
7) Troy
8) Pirates of the Caribbean - At World's End
The Daily Orlando: News and Updates
*Along with my other blog posts I will be giving news updates and such. * So for those of you who missed Orlando Bloom as Romeo in the timeless classic Romeo & Juliet, or if you just want to see him again the play will come out in select theatre's from February 13th-19th. Luckily a new HD Broadway company joined with Screenvision to record the play.
Thursday, February 6, 2014
Orlando Bloom Movies I've Seen and His Broadway Debut I Missed
I'm a freshman in college, so I didn't realize that winter breaks were so long. Anyways I had about four weeks to relax and fill my afternoon with Orlando Bloom. So I took it upon myself to watch all his movies. I haven't finished them all but I'm pretty darn close. And my friend and I are going to go to New York this summer. I'm excited but a bit bummed that we're missing Orlando's Broadway debut. I would of LOVED to see him in Romeo and Juliet and maybe even get his signature and meet him.
Plus Romeo and Juliet is my absolute favorite Shakespeare play, I mean it is only the greatest love story there ever was. But, that would of been heaven to see him live. Instead here is a link of one of his scenes. It has one of my favorite lines in it, and the first time I saw it I wanted melt into a puddle of happiness. Orlando Bloom Romeo & Juliet SceneBut I would've probably forgotten how to breath and talk. Anyways, following is a list of the first 5 movies that I saw. When I have more time, I will go more indepth on them in a new series, 'My Movie Musings'.
1) Lord of the Rings-The Fellowship of the Ring
Plus Romeo and Juliet is my absolute favorite Shakespeare play, I mean it is only the greatest love story there ever was. But, that would of been heaven to see him live. Instead here is a link of one of his scenes. It has one of my favorite lines in it, and the first time I saw it I wanted melt into a puddle of happiness. Orlando Bloom Romeo & Juliet SceneBut I would've probably forgotten how to breath and talk. Anyways, following is a list of the first 5 movies that I saw. When I have more time, I will go more indepth on them in a new series, 'My Movie Musings'.
1) Lord of the Rings-The Fellowship of the Ring
2) Lord of the Rings-The Two Towers
3) Lord of the Rings-The Return of the King
4) Pirate of the Caribbean-The Curse of the Black Pearl
5) The Calcium Kid
My Legolas Fanfiction: Killing Two Birds with One Stone - A Legolas Love Story
Chapter 1 Assignment: A young woman who wants to be a writer and journalist is assigned to follow the fellowship and report on their adventures, while risking her life in order to prove her worth as a woman writer and journalist. Note: Even though journalism probably wasn't a thing then, it's just a story!
In retrospect, this probably was a ridiculous and crazy decision. But then again, I wanted to prove my worth as a good woman journalist. I always loved to write, ever since I was little and now I wanted to be apart of the Rohan Daily, which consisted of all men. Even though most girls my age would normally be fishing for a husband and a nice house to reside in, I wanted to be a journalist, or a princess but that was definately out of the question. The editor in chief of the paper had made a deal with me; if I was able to get permission to follow the fellowship of the ring, report on their progress and adventures, and come back alive to tell the tale, then he would give me the job. However, the odds were stacked against me, as I was only a 20 year old girl, and a pretty normal human. I'm still not really sure why the members of the fellowship allowed me to tag along, I would be extra baggage, a responsibility, and possibly a liability. But if men could do this then there was no reason why I couldn't... even though I had no fighting expertise, and a minimal amonunt of horseback experiece. My parents must of thought me crazy to go on this dangerous journey, but on the other hand the fate of the world was entrusted into two tiney hobbits who had to return a magical and powerful ring. So the whole scenario was crazy to begin with. Everything was pretty boring, riding all day, then making camp and scribbeling away on my parchment, until Sam and Frodo deceided they wanted to finish the journey by themselves. Which in my eyes seemed like a bad idea. Whey set off on your own as a halfling when you had an extremely skilled hunter elf, ranger, and a dwarf with an axe to protect you. However over the past couple of weeks, I had notieced that Frodo was acting very anxious and seemed unsure about something. Perhaps he thought we all would want the ring for ourselves, but I never really felt its so-called power, I merely wanted to write. Consequently I was forced to make a decision, leave with Sam and Frodo and follow them with the ring, which was my real assignment or go with the rest of the fellowship. Faced with this decision, I was standing outside my tent listening to shouts and swords colliding, something had gone awry. I got a glimpse of Legolas pulling out an arrow, and preparing to spring like a cougar. He was exceedingly handsome, with his deep blue eyes, blonde hair that fell along his shoulders in sheets, and was tall and slendor. But I tried to shake those thoughts away, I couldn't make a decision like this based on an elf prince that could not and would not like me back. "Katrina!" Legolas yelled running toward me, "Are you alright?"
In retrospect, this probably was a ridiculous and crazy decision. But then again, I wanted to prove my worth as a good woman journalist. I always loved to write, ever since I was little and now I wanted to be apart of the Rohan Daily, which consisted of all men. Even though most girls my age would normally be fishing for a husband and a nice house to reside in, I wanted to be a journalist, or a princess but that was definately out of the question. The editor in chief of the paper had made a deal with me; if I was able to get permission to follow the fellowship of the ring, report on their progress and adventures, and come back alive to tell the tale, then he would give me the job. However, the odds were stacked against me, as I was only a 20 year old girl, and a pretty normal human. I'm still not really sure why the members of the fellowship allowed me to tag along, I would be extra baggage, a responsibility, and possibly a liability. But if men could do this then there was no reason why I couldn't... even though I had no fighting expertise, and a minimal amonunt of horseback experiece. My parents must of thought me crazy to go on this dangerous journey, but on the other hand the fate of the world was entrusted into two tiney hobbits who had to return a magical and powerful ring. So the whole scenario was crazy to begin with. Everything was pretty boring, riding all day, then making camp and scribbeling away on my parchment, until Sam and Frodo deceided they wanted to finish the journey by themselves. Which in my eyes seemed like a bad idea. Whey set off on your own as a halfling when you had an extremely skilled hunter elf, ranger, and a dwarf with an axe to protect you. However over the past couple of weeks, I had notieced that Frodo was acting very anxious and seemed unsure about something. Perhaps he thought we all would want the ring for ourselves, but I never really felt its so-called power, I merely wanted to write. Consequently I was forced to make a decision, leave with Sam and Frodo and follow them with the ring, which was my real assignment or go with the rest of the fellowship. Faced with this decision, I was standing outside my tent listening to shouts and swords colliding, something had gone awry. I got a glimpse of Legolas pulling out an arrow, and preparing to spring like a cougar. He was exceedingly handsome, with his deep blue eyes, blonde hair that fell along his shoulders in sheets, and was tall and slendor. But I tried to shake those thoughts away, I couldn't make a decision like this based on an elf prince that could not and would not like me back. "Katrina!" Legolas yelled running toward me, "Are you alright?"
"Yeh I'm fine, but whats going on?" His face was flushed and his eyes were bright and worried. "The orks found us, so there was a struggle, they've wandered away now, but Sam and Frodo have gone."
"Their gone! What are they going to do? Surely they won't make it to Mt. Doom and back alive. And I don't know if you really want me to come with you anymore."
"Yes, they left on our boat. And I don't know, it will take near close to a miracle for them to complete the journey. And as for you, I wouldn't want you to have to go back all alone, and I think it would be interesting to see how your story on me would pan out." He gave me a heartmelting smile as I began to take down my tent and get my horse ready for departure.
Orlando Bloom Dreamscapes and Why I Love the Rain
So, since I have become slightly obsessed, (okay not going to lie, completely obsessed) with Orlando, I've have had many dreams about him. However, in all of them he is a professor in a lot of my classes. For example in my dream I was taking a women gender studies class and I was getting coffee but I was also running late. Consequently I had to sprint to my class and I was worried that he would be mad, and I was thinking about how I would apologize to him after class for being late, and realized I was quite nervous. Well I walked into to class, trying to quietly close the door and I tried to give him an apologetic look as I took my seat. I don't know if I'm having stress dreams but I haven't been late to any of my classes, and Orlando is not teaching any of my classes unfortunately. On another topic, I live in California so we've been struggling with a drought but it finally rained today after like three months and it was wonderful. I've missed the sound of rain on my roof, and more importantly the rain is perfect movie watching weather! So after I forced myself to go to the gym I rewarded myself with a cup of hot chocolate and popcorn and watched the third Pirates of the Caribbean. A perfect way to spend my afternoon; however, I'm not sure I really liked the ending and I'll probably have to watch it again, but more on my movie musings later.
Welcome to the Orlando Bloom Blog!
Hello! My name is Katherine, and along with thousands of other girls, I have become a huge Orlando Bloom fan and decided to start a new blog. It wasn't until recently that I fell in love with Orlando, at a friends movie party we decided to watch the Lord of the Rings trilogy. My friends and I get together to watch movies that we haven't seen before, we eat popcorn, drink hot chocolate, make cookies, and sometimes even play board games. We also assign ourselves to characters in movies, which has become quite a hilarious tradition. Any ways, we were on our winter college breaks, and two of my friends were home, so we decided to watch Lord of the Rings. I admit I was hesitant at first, I wasn't sure I would like the action sci-fi movie, until I came to realize that Legolas was incredibly, amazingly good looking. By the third movie my friend Julia and I were screaming with glee every time the camera panned onto Legolas, or when he had a long scene. This was none other than Orlando Bloom. I had see him in Pirates of the Caribbean-The Cures of the Black Pearl once before and thought Will was really cute but I wasn't totally exposed to Orlando Blooms' hotness. Hence after seeing LOTR, I became obsessed with him. My friend and I even joked that every time you look at him you basically have an orgasm. So now I've seen almost every film he has been in and almost every single interview, and now I want to share his amazingness with the world and other fans. More posts will be coming soon so enjoy!
P.S. Even though he is 17 years older than me (I was born in 1994) that doesn't stop me from dreaming about being with him, I mean he is on the market now!
P.S. Even though he is 17 years older than me (I was born in 1994) that doesn't stop me from dreaming about being with him, I mean he is on the market now!
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