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Orlando Bloom

Monday, March 31, 2014
How to Spend a Rainy Day: Fan Girl Style
When a cold front comes in with rain, wind, and thunder theres only way to spend your day: fan girl style! Here are some tips on how to make the best out of a rainy day indoors, and how to avoid cabin fever.
Tip #1: Have an Orlando movie marathon! Weather it's the Lord of the Rings trilogy or Pirates of the Caribbean, nothings better than cuddling up with a blanket and treating yourself to some Orlando time. And with his wide array of movies to choose from, you will never get board while watching him!
Tip #2: Brew some hot chocolate or some Middle Earth recipes. You can go for the classic hot chocolate if you want, but if your feeling creative try making Aragorn's Athelas Tea, also known as Kingsfoil, not only is this good for when your under the weather it's very refreshing, since it's main ingridient is mint! If you will want to try this you will need: the juice of 2 lemons, 3-4, 1/2 inch coins of ginger, 1 clove of garlic, about 7-10 mint leaves, 2L filtered boiling water, and honey.
Place ginger, mint and peeled garlic (uncrushed) into a cheesecloth and tie it off. Add to boiling water and cook/steep for 5-7 minutes. Turn off heat and add the lemon juice, remove the spices and transfer to a tea-pot . Add honey as desired.
Tip #3: Go on a YouTube binge! There are so many fun interviews of Orlando on YouTube, one could literally spend hours on end browsing through videos! Orlando-Bloom.org has a new 'videos' section and has about 7 pages of glorious Orlando content!
Tip #4: Put on some fuzzy socks and sit in a cozy chair and read! My best suggestion, Lord of the Rings of course!
Tip #2: Brew some hot chocolate or some Middle Earth recipes. You can go for the classic hot chocolate if you want, but if your feeling creative try making Aragorn's Athelas Tea, also known as Kingsfoil, not only is this good for when your under the weather it's very refreshing, since it's main ingridient is mint! If you will want to try this you will need: the juice of 2 lemons, 3-4, 1/2 inch coins of ginger, 1 clove of garlic, about 7-10 mint leaves, 2L filtered boiling water, and honey.
Tip #3: Go on a YouTube binge! There are so many fun interviews of Orlando on YouTube, one could literally spend hours on end browsing through videos! Orlando-Bloom.org has a new 'videos' section and has about 7 pages of glorious Orlando content!
Tip #4: Put on some fuzzy socks and sit in a cozy chair and read! My best suggestion, Lord of the Rings of course!
Sunday, March 30, 2014
My Top 5 Fan Art Picks
Fanfiction and fan art are one my favorite parts being a fan. It's fun to create things about people, places and books that you love. So to honor some of the most talented fan artists out there, I will give my top five favorite fan art pieces, they range from oil pastel, to pencil and paint.
Orli fans, keep on creating!
No. 5:
No. 5:
No. 4:
No. 3
No. 2
No. 1
So what do you think of my picks? If you would like to view more amazing fan art visit: www.devianart.com. And if you would like to submit your work, please do so, in the contact forum below. I would love to share it with other fans, and my blog readers!
Saturday, March 29, 2014
Fan Girl Fun: Basic Elvish Phrases and Sayings
So since I looked up how to write in Elvish last week, I was curious to about some basic Elvish words, so I looked them up, and found some good ones. They show you how to write them out, and how to pronounce them! So fun to say, and its such a beautiful language, so interesting!
English Word or Phrase
Elvish Word or Phrase
Well met
Mae govannen
My go-VAH-nen
I greet thee
Le suilon
Lay swee-lonn
Mára aurë
Mah-rah ow-ray
A star shines on the time of our meeting
Im gelir ceni ad lín
Eem geh-leer keh-nee ahd leen
English Word or Phrase
Elvish Word or Phrase
Do you speak Elvish?
Pedich Edhellen?
PEH-deekh eth-ell-ehn?
Do you understand me?
Heniach nin?
Hen-ee-akh neen?
Do I know you?
Iston le?
EE-stohn lay?
What are you doing?
Man carel le?
Mahn kah-rell lay?
How are you?
Manen nalyë?
Mah-nehn nahl-yay?
From what land do you come?
O man dôr túliel le?
Oh mahn dore tool-ee-ell lay?
Where are you from?
Man sâd telil?
Mahn sahd tehl-eel
What is your name?
Man eneth lín?
Mahn eh-nehth leen?
How do you feel?
Man mathach?
Mahn mah-thakh
Do you want to eat?
Aníral maded?
Ah-NEAR-ahl mah-dead?
Do you want to drink?
Ah-NEAR-ahl soe-gahd?
Will you be mine forever?
Le no an-uir nîn?
Lay no ahn-oo-ear neen?
Are you married?
Le gwennen?
Lay gwehn-nehn?
English Word or Phrase
Elvish Word or Phrase
I curse you!
Rhachon le!
Rahkh-on lay!
I hate you
You smell like ten orcs
Nostach be Orch gaer
NOST-akh bay orkh gire
You have the hollow head of an orc
Garich i dhôl goll o Orch
Gahr-eekh ee thole goal oh orkh
Go kiss an orc
Ti tállbe Orch
Tee tahl-bay orkh
Go jump in Mount Doom
Labo vi Orodruin
Lah-boe vee Ore-oh-DROO-inn
May Balrogs eat you
Nai Valaraukar tye-mátar
Nye Vahl-are-ow-kahr too-ay-mah-tahr
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