WeDay Vancouver was held recently, to recognize young people who gave a lot of volunteer time and effort, and had speakers come and speak. Orlando spoke at the WeDay in Oakland, 35 minutes from San Francisco, and also spoke in Vancouver a few days ago. He looked cute and causal in grey jeans and a green and blue flannel shirt. I wish I could've found his speech, but I assume that it was similar to his inspiring speech from Oakland. Anyways here are a few pictures to tide all you Bloomers over until the next bit of news arises. 

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Orlando Bloom

Saturday, October 25, 2014
The Orli Interview of the Day
It's been a while, but here is the Orli interview of the day! This interview is from The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug, and is about Orlando's different stunts and training. He is soo good at fighting scenes and swordsmanship!! It's so much cooler when actors do their own stunts and put a lot of effort into their character. This is one of the many reasons as to why I love Orlando, he is such a good actor!!
Here is the link:
Today's LOTR/Hobbit Tidbit
Here is a new promotional poster for the final chapter of the hobbit: The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies. Getting soo excited for this movie!! 
Friday, October 17, 2014
The Daily Orlando: Orlando Attends 12th Annual Hammer Museum Gala
Hey all you bloomers! Sorry it has been a long time, I was crazy busy with midterm season!! Anyways, Orlando recently attended the 12th annual Hammer Museum Gala. The event was held in west Hollywood, and was held to honor singer Joni Mitchell and Mark Bradford an artist. Orlando looked good looking as ever in a grey suit and light yellow and grey tie. 

Friday, October 3, 2014
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales, Will Turner to Return?!
So we all know that another Pirates of the Caribbean Film is in the making (pre-production), and Johnny Depp is certain to return as Captain Jack Sparrow in the newly titled, 'Dead Men Tell No Tales. But it is yet confirmed, and is still a rumor if Orlando will be coming back as brave and amazing Will Turner. I hope that this rumor does turn out to be true, because it so I would LOVE to see Will Turner on the big screen!!!!! And it makes sense that they can bring back the story of Will, since in the 3rd movie he is able to go back to land and meet his son after he successfully completes the 10 year interim of ferrying souls to the locker. I would love love love, to see Will's story continued! I will post more news regarding Pirates 5 when it arises!!! 
Orlando Spotting: Keep a Weather Eye Out on the Horizon
The Daily Orlando: Orlando to be an Executive Producer of 'The Greasy Hands Preachers', and to be in 'Unlocked'
Luckily, Orlando has been quite busy lately, so there is a lot of news to report! First off, Orlando was named Executive Producer for 'The Greasy Hands Preachers', a documentary feature that premiered at the San Sebastian Festival in Spain. Orlando showed interest in joining the film team, since the documentary is about motorcycles and the joys of riding and working on bikes. Orlando is a motorcycle enthusiast, and along with watches, motorcycles are one of his guilty pleasure splurge items. The film premiered on September 26th, at the Kursaal Palace at the 62nd San Sebastian International Film Festival. He arrived rocking his beautiful brown locks, and a leather moto inspired jacket. Of course, he took some time to greet fans and sign autographs, as he made his way down the carpet grinning ear to ear with that heart melting smile. He then proceeded to ride in and join the other producers on a 2003 BMV motorcycle, (sorry I don't speak car and driver hehe). Anyways he looked amazing as always, (Orlando are you really 37?!! Because you look like your 27!!), and I'm glad he was able to be apart of something that he really enjoys! 
In other news, word has come out that Orlando is set to co-star in a spy thriller with Michael Douglas called, Unlocked. The movie is in the early pre-production stage, but so far we know that it's about a CIA agent/interrogator that manages to put London in danger of biological warfare. It is supposedly set to start filming soon in the Czech Republic, and may be out my 2017. A long wait, but another movie to look forward too!! While we wait we have the last hobbit movie (Out in December) and the flick Digging for Fire set for 2015.
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