Here is the Orli interview of the week! This is from a magazine I ordered on ebay, and is about Orlando's broadway debut in Romero and Juliet. I can't believe that it has been almost a year since I saw the awesome play at the Filmore theatre. I'm still waiting for this play to come out on DVD, that would be so cool! I would totally watch it over and over again!
A blog for everything and anything Orlando Bloom: News, stories, pictures videos and more. Orlando Bloom fans rejoice!
Orlando Bloom

Sunday, January 25, 2015
Orlando Spotting: Keep a Weather Eye Out on the Horizon
Hey all you Bloomers! So sorry I haven't been posting much, I was in the process of moving and have been crazy busy getting all my stuff organized, and the new semester starts tomorrow, I'll be busy with school as well. I haven't posted an Orlando Spotting in a while... so here is a photo I found from the wonderful, @orlandobloom_fanpage on Istagram. Adorable picture of Orlando with his 4 year old son Flynn, back in LA. He got so much bigger, a mini me of Orli!
Monday, January 19, 2015
Orlando TV Show Alert: Midsomer Murders to be on PBS
Hey all you Bloomers! There hasn't bee that much Orli news lately since he's back in LA spending some time with Flynn. He must have a nice break from shooting 'Unlocked'. Anywhoo, I thought I may let my Bloomers know that on Thursday, January 22nd the episode with one of Orlando's first TV appearances will be on PBS. Of course, this is his short role as Peter Drinkwater on 'Midsomer Murders'. He is soo young and cute in this episode which aired in 2000 I believe. So for Bloomers who live in the Bay Area, tune into to channel 9 at 8 o' clock to see Orlando! 

The Orlando Quote of the Day
I've haven't posted one of these in awhile, so here is the Orlando quote of the day! Enjoy!
(Yes please! lol)
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
The Orli Interview of the Week
Here is the Orli interview of the week! I may have told you Bloomers about this interview before, but I bought the January issue of Glamour and was flipping through it, and there it was, a wonderful little interview with Orlando! Love the headline too! Visit to see the article in better light and quality, sorry for the poor picture!
Happy 38th Birthday Orlando!!!!
Today, 38 years ago, a wonderful actor, person and father was born in Canterbury Kent, England. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ORLANDO!!!! Even though you have to work on set on your birthday today, I hope you have a absolutely wonderful day, and celebrate your amazing life, because you are so amazing and precious to me! I can't believe Orli is 38, it looks like he is only 28. This amazing man does not age! Every year it seems, he gets better looking! I'm so happy to have discovered Orli, and his amazing work. It was just by happen stance that I discovered who the heartfelt and gorgeous actor was behind Legolas, and I'm so glad I did. I admire Orlando so much, not just because of his amazing other worldly good looks, but also because he is a sweet, humble, funny, kind hearted, talented ambitious, and adventurous person. He has done so many great things, from sniping orcs as the best elf ever, to traveling to Nepal and Syria to give back to children, and even rescuing a little puppy in the Moroccan Desert and giving him a happy home. So thank you Orlando, for always making my day, making me smile, and making me appreciate everything in life, and Happy Birthday!!! <3
Wednesday, January 7, 2015
Today's LOTR/Hobbit Tidbit: New Chapter of My Legolas Fanfiction
Hello all you Bloomers! There hasn't been much Orli news lately! However, it was his son Flynn's 4th birthday yesterday, so Happy Belated Birthday to the little man! Also, Orlando's small indie film role in Digging For Fire is premiering on January 30th at the Sundance Film Festival in Utah. I was going to go, but the tickets sold out, just my luck. Will I ever get to meet him?!!! Anywhoo, I wrote a new chapter to my Legolas Fanfiction, "Killing Two Birds with One Stone: A Legolas Love Story". So enjoy! I think I'm taking this story in the right direction, Chapter 8 is the more gritty chapter so far! Aragorn and Theoden took their positions amongst the ranks. Legolas, Gimli and I stood on the perch of the gates along with the other Elven soilders of Lothlorien. Our breaths came out in nervous puffs and could be seen in the cool air, as thousands of orc armies came marching forward, making the ground shake with their heavy footfalls, and their ominous chanting. They looked merciless and vicious, and ready to kill. Fear spead through me like wildfire, and I had to grind my feet in the gravel to stop myself from fleeing with fright. I was the only woman fighting, but by god I would do my best to defend my fellow people of Rohan, and to defend Legolas. I would do anything for him. He looked down at me, and noticed my obvious nervousness, "I will not let those Orcs touch you, they'll have to kill me first." He rubbed his fingers against mine as I replied, "You probalby want this back." I showed his necklace around my neck. "Your charm fell when you fought off the suprise attack of orcs, I picked it up."
"Keep it." And with that he put his hand on his heart and then placed it on mine, the traditional Elvish greeting of "I love you." Despite the sound of the orc's war horn I had a new found confindence in myself, I had become a good fighter, I would survive. It started to rain, and as the sound of the water droppng on the armour started making clinking sounds the Orcs began to come swarming forward. Gimli complained of not being able to see, and Legolas comaned all of the Elfs to ready fire, saying that the orc armour was weaker in the neck. The pouring rain made the scene even more hectic as I struggeled to see in the watery haze as I shot off a few arrows, a few making their mark. It seemed like we were holding our own until the ladders came up and Orcs started streaming across the wall. Even though Legolas had precisely shot down many of the ladders, their numbers were firce and I found myself ducking, tirwling and flaying my arms wildly, not so gracefully wounding orcs as they came towards me. I lost sight of Legolas admist the screams and growls and collision of swords and arrows. The gate was breeched and Theoden's men were falling back. Flying dirt and blood showered my face as I cut down a orc coming at me from the right. I had never imagined myself killing something even if it was an orc and my stomach churned as I plunged my sword through another. But where was Legolas? Siege towers were coming in, we were becoming trapped. I finally caught sight of Legolas as he was riding a shield down a flight of stairs to take out the towers and help Aragorn. I only turned my head for a second when an orc struck the side of my stomach with a mace, stars burst in my eyes, and I felt hot blood trickle down my side as pain made me collapse upon the stone. My armour had been shattered, I couldn't think with the searing pain in my side, I was being surronded. Somehow I manged to stand myself up with the adrenaline that was working in my system now. Picking up my sword the orc smirked and kicked me to the ground, I felt something break in me. "Legolas!!" I half screamed and cried, "Legolas!!" I wouldn't be human if I didn't want to die, the orc put his filthy cold hand around my neck, "I think I'll just watch this miserable girl sputter and cry as I crush her." His words spitting in my face, as he squeezed. I was beginning to see darkness, loose conciscouness as I saw a blurry Legolas come into view. If this was what dying was I guess it wasn't so bad. I heard something, a grunt and a growel as the orc collapsed and I fell on the rubble. "Katrina!" I heard Legolas say. "I'm hear it will be alright. Just keep looking at me." His warm hands were gently lifting me now. My lips seemed to form words. "I'm so lucky I met you." The last thing I saw was a burst of white light.
The first thing I felt when I woke was a searing pain, as if someone was carving out my insides. I felt the rough fibers of a bandange around my side, but also the soft feel of cotton between my toes. I blinked my eyes, and tried to focus. Suddenly, a striking figure with piercing blue eyes came into view. Legolas. "Katrina, your awake. I was so afraid." My mind was very hazing, it was like I was trying to think through a thick fog. So I was alive. But what happened to the to others? Where was I? I looked around the room as if to look for an answer. "It is alright. We are back in the halls of Rohan. We vanquished the Orcs. The blast of white light you saw was Gandalf, he returned with the riders of Rohan. They saved us." He gracefully rose from his stool and sat on the edge of my bed, caressing my forhead with the back of his hand. "I cannot believe we won the Battle of Helms Deep. I tried to stop the orcs, there were too many, and my armour was shattered. Are you okay Legolas?" My memory and sense was slowly returning to me. "I am okay now. I was so worried. I don't know what I would of done if I couln't have saved you." He shuttered as his eyes seemed to glisten with wet tears. "You were so badly injured, you lost a lot of blood, and broke your ankle. I'm not the best with Elvish medicine, but I remembered the healing spells that my mother taught me when I was young, and Aragorn was of great aid. We fixed the wound on your side, but it became infected. You became as pale ice and ran a fevor. I think your mind had a sickness over it, you still beliefed you were being fought and tourtured. It pained me to see you like that, but I was able to break your fevor. You have so much strenght in you Katrina." He paused, and I remembered him chanting in Elvish, saying beautiful words to me, looking at me with that face of an angel. I winced as I tried to sit up, and grabbed Legolas's perfect and strong hands, "I'm here because of you. Your everything to me Legolas." I blinked as tears dripped down my chin. It was always Legolas, from the first moment I layed eyes on him, my heart had never loved someone so fircely before. His soft lips grazed my forhead then mad their way to my lips, kissing ever so softly, his sweet scenet mingeling with mine and his warm breath on my face. He looked at me with those endless blue eyes and said, "No Katrina, lle ier my iluve." (You are my everything).
Thursday, January 1, 2015
My First Post of 2015: Orlando's First Ever Screen Time
Happy 2015 all you Bloomers!!! I hope everyone has a prosperous, joyous and Orlando filled year to come! My resolutions? Stop biting my nails, and meet Orlando!!! This is more of a wishful thinking goal, but I would absolutely be the happiest girl in the world if I got to meet him!!!
So what can we expect from Orlando this year? Well he is still busy filming his thrilled 'Unlocked', and rumor has it that he may come back as Will Turner or make a cameo in 'The Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest. I would love for this to happen! Also, the romantic comedy 'Digging for Fire' is slated for a late 2015 release date. So that will be fun to see, it is also premiering at the Aspen FIlm Festival... maybe that will be something I can go to to meet Orli! And lastly, Orlando's 38th birthday is in 12 days, so I hope all you Bloomers send him a Happy Birthday! I was lucky to collaborate with the Instagram fanpage, @orlandobloom_fanpage and made a video wishing him happy birthday along with other Bloomers. So hopefully he'll see that!!! I have had this blog for a year now, and have 1500+ views, my goal is to reach 2,500! We'll see! I'll also be reviewing 'Wilde' (Orlando's first ever movie role as a rentboy) in 'My Movie Musings'.
Anyways, yesterday I stumbled upon Orlando's first EVER credited screen appearance is the British version of Grey's Anatomy, 'Casualty', and he is on 17 (1994) and he is soooo incredibly cute!!!!!! Oh my gosh he has the cutest baby face and just oh my gosh, can't even function!!! lol
So what can we expect from Orlando this year? Well he is still busy filming his thrilled 'Unlocked', and rumor has it that he may come back as Will Turner or make a cameo in 'The Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest. I would love for this to happen! Also, the romantic comedy 'Digging for Fire' is slated for a late 2015 release date. So that will be fun to see, it is also premiering at the Aspen FIlm Festival... maybe that will be something I can go to to meet Orli! And lastly, Orlando's 38th birthday is in 12 days, so I hope all you Bloomers send him a Happy Birthday! I was lucky to collaborate with the Instagram fanpage, @orlandobloom_fanpage and made a video wishing him happy birthday along with other Bloomers. So hopefully he'll see that!!! I have had this blog for a year now, and have 1500+ views, my goal is to reach 2,500! We'll see! I'll also be reviewing 'Wilde' (Orlando's first ever movie role as a rentboy) in 'My Movie Musings'.
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