So today in my history class, we had a lecture on the Lyndon B. Johnson presidency, and for some reason I was compelled to doodle on the margins of notebook, and drew the Fellowship's weapons for fun. However, I didn't include Frodo's "sword", because it's really considered a small knife, and he barely uses it that much throughout the trilogy. Anyways, I thought I'd share my little drawings!
Also, I was searching Google for a rusty gold nail polish, and found these awesome Lord of the Rings, inspired manicures, and thought 'wow, how cool and creative!' So I will post my two favorite manicures. If you want to try to copy these looks, I would advise you to go with O.P.I nail polish, they have the most abundant range in color. For the Sauron manicure, try 'Atomic Orange', 'Need Sunglasses?', and 'Red Hot Rio'. For the one ring manicure, perhaps try 'All Sparkly and Gold', and 'Black Onyx'. Seriously, though who thinks of these color names? Hehe. 

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