Orlando Bloom

Orlando Bloom

Sunday, November 16, 2014

My One Year Faniversary: 365 Days of Loving Orlando

   So, I haven't posted another installment of my 'Faniversary' series in a while, so I figured this was the perfect time to do so... sitting by the fire on a Sunday afternoon. Anyways, my Orlando fandom continued to reach higher levels when I was faced with the assignment of doing a speech in my communications class. We could any topic of our choice, but it had to be under 7 minutes. I was so excited, because my speech topic immediately was chosen. Orlando Bloom. This was my chance to share to my fellow classmates (and my professor) the amazingness of Orlando, and perhaps create some new Bloomers! I wrote a speech that discussed his early childhood and rise to fame. I wanted to make it seem like Orlando was someone that we could relate to; someone who has faced challenges in life, someone who went to school for something they were passionate about. I also talked about his movies and the awards he has received, and tried to stress the fact that he was not a celebrity mold, he was guy down to earth, who just happened to be lucky enough to get a job that he loved to do. (Thank you Peter Jackson!) Anyways, I wrote my speech in about 2 days, and memorized it in only 1 day and eventually got an A on it. I credit Orlando Bloom for sharing his amazing skills and life with the world. Visit my April blog posts and watch my video if you want to see my speech! 
After, to reward myself, and to get myself an early birthday present, I joined the realm of Ebay, and looked for Orlando stuff. I eventually settled on an awesome collector magazine on Orlando, with amazing drool worthy picture, articles and posters. I also got a London magazine that had a brand new article about him, discussing his next acting jobs and direction! They are basically my bibles! 

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