Hello all you wonderful Bloomers! I'm sorry I have been soo bad and not posting regularly, but I have just been a bit busy with the end of midterms and spring break! Anywhoo, Orlando's latest event for UNICEF includes visiting Liberia as the UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador, where he has been promoting healthy habits to prevent Ebola, giving polio vaccines to children, stressing the importance of water, and advocating on the behalf of children for drama programs. He is such a sweet and kind man, and it is so cool, how he has given so much of his time and effort to help make a difference and bring awareness to many problems that are relevant to Liberia children and families.
If you would like to make a donation to UNICEF, visit supportunicef.org.
If you want a lot of awesome and heart warming pictures of Orli with the children and families of Liberia visit @orlandobloom_fanpage on Instagram.
Meanwhile, enjoy these pictures of Orlando working with UNICEF.
Thank you Orlando, for making the world a better place, and for bringing so much joy! 

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