Orlando Bloom

Orlando Bloom

Saturday, March 15, 2014

My Fan Thoughts: I Want to Meet Orlando So Badly!

I have to just get this off my chest! I am sooo desperate to meet Orlando Bloom! I've been reading fan encounters of meeting him, (I don't know if it has been a good idea, since it has been making me jealous) but he seems like such a nice gentleman, who really appreciates his fans. I want to meet him so badly it hurts, I know it may sound crazy, but my fellow fans who haven't met him either, you probably know how I feel! I never have really wanted to meet a celebrity so badly, not even Robert Pattinson! When the next Hobbit movie premiers in December I'm really hoping I can go down to LA. It would be great, since I could also visit my best friend who goes to college there! But I really don't see that happening, I don't think my car could make the drive, and December 17th is around the time I have finals. So I would probably have to fly down there then go immediately back, then take some final. And of course my mom would not approve of my doing that, since she is financing my college education. This is a pathetic story is it not? Anyways, I know I never thought I would get to make the pilgrimage to Forks, but after 4 years of wanting that I finally went there. So who knows, for now I'm just hoping I'll get a response from my fan letter I sent!

Other Orlando fans, if you had a lucky experience meeting him, feel free to share your story in the comments section, don't worry I won't get too jealous, just probably ask a zillion questions about it.

And if anyone knows of any upcoming events or appearances of Orlando in California, please, please, please let me know via the contact forum! I would be forever in your debt if anyone had an idea of how or when I could just have the pleasure of meeting him! Thank you!


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