Orlando Bloom

Orlando Bloom

Monday, March 3, 2014

My Legolas Fan Fic - Part 4

Dawn broke the next morning with a clear pink stained sky. I kept going over the events of the night before in my head, how he gently placed his hand on my face, and how he kissed me for one fleeting second. If Gimli hadn't barged in would it have ended there, or would more happen? Nevertheless, I was still reveling in the short moment of bliss. I stood in front of the window, tracing my bottom lip, where only recently Legolas's lips were. Well I couldn't just stand here all day unfortunately. I walked down the hall and looked down at the sparkeling inlet. Static was in the air, and so was a feeling of unrest. Gandalf wanted Legolas and Aragorn to lead Helms Deep into battle with the Orks. The people of Rohan were going to flee there, but if the rumors were true, then the enemy was going to come crashing towards Helms Deep. The sound of horses clinked nearby, along with the russle of swords being sheathed. I saw Legolas approached me out of the corner of my eye. Before he could say anything I spoke up. "So your leaving for Helms Deep now?" Why was I asking such an obvious question? I blushed as he looked at me. "Yes, the people of Rohan need as much help as they can get. Even though it is going to be 300 against 10,000, we must give them a chance." He looked quite troubled, as if they had no hope at all. "Katrina, I'm sorry for what happened last night, I don't know what came over me." He was sorry? I certainely wasn't. Was he sorry that he kissed me or sorry that he lead me on? "No, listen Legolas its okay. I just don't want you to have to have to please me, if theres nothing here for you." Dissapointment washed over me, he obviosly thought it was a mistake, and my heart felt like breaking. "It's not that, I just don't want to be responsible for breaking your feeligs if something happens to me." I sighed giving him almost a pleading look. His hair waved passed me as he walked off toward his horse. I tried not to look to devastes. Even if he didn't like me, which I suspected was true, I couldn't bear to think of anyone hurting him. Him standing and breathing was enough for me I guess. I too got my horse ready for departure, completely forgetting about my writing, which I was suposed to be doing, but I really didn't have the energy to. The wind rippeled through my hair, and to my suprise Aragorn came up to me asking for a word. "Are you alright Katrina?" I tried to put on a resilant face. "Yes, why wouldn't I be." His dark eyes seemed to understand my feelings. "I know what you feel for Legolas. It is I look that even I have mirrored. But you must not dispair. I've known Legolas for a long time know, he's not used to feeling this way. It's a new horizon for him."
"Perhaps if he did feel the same way about me that I feel for him, he wouldn't give up his immortality for me. I'm of humankind. You said it yourself, the time of the Elves is over, they'll be making there way to the undying lands soon." He tinkered with a silver jewl around his neck. "That is true, but then again, we must always have faith in the ones we love, or else we have nothing." He flaunted the silver jewl again and patted me on the shoulder. Aragorn had always been the leader type, the one that went along with advice. I remembered him menttioning that his love Arwen had given him that necklace, she was of elf-kind and him of men, and even though they were apart, it was clear that they were still in love. However, that was a whole different scenario, and Legolas hadn't given me a token of his. Oh well, I thought, I would follow them to Helms Deep and let things fall were they may. I was back on my horse, and following Legolas when he suddenly urged his horse into a trot and rode up over the ledge. The line of people stopped behind us as Aragorn joined him to see what was the matter. I heard the sound of an arrow piercing threw the air, and Legolas yell, "A scout!" We were under attack. In the several months we had been riding I had been given a sword from Aragorn and I practiced everyday with it so I could defend myself if needed. The golden hilt of my sword nudged my hip, and I pulled my silky blue hood over me to try and blend in. "We're under attack! Get the women and children down the path. Eowyn and Katrina get the people to Helms Deep!" I heard the howl of wolves and the vibration of their heavy footfall. Eowyn and I exchanged a look of worry. She started leading people down the path. I saw Legolas mounting his horse and we made eye contact, in slow motion seemed to trott past me. "Legolas, be careful!" I almost whispered to him. But his strong elf ears seemed to hear. "I will be, I promise." He turned his head and I had one last of him as he rode off. I watched his white horse dissapear over the ridge. I jogged down the hill to join Eowyn, but before I did, I stooped down to find a leather charm on the ground, that had his name on it in Elvish. I swung it around my neck as we made our way to the deep.

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