Orlando Bloom

Orlando Bloom

Friday, February 7, 2014

More of my Legolas Fanfiction: Chapter Two

Chapter 2 On the Road Again: Katrina decides to travel with the disbanded fellowship, now that Sam and Frodo have left on their own, and gets a lift from her favorite elf.

So now we were on the road again, on our way to Rivendell to have a consuel with the Elves. It would take a couple days, as we were pretty far out from any Elven cities for that matter. To try and not waste time we traveled day and night, leaving a small amount of time to rest, since only two of us needed it. It was the third day of travel, and truthfully I was getting qutie tired. For the past couple of weeks, I hadn't really notied how tired I really was, due to the adventure and adrenaline. Usually by the end of the day I would get a second wind, and scrawl some notes on my parchment while my horse galloped along. But now we were crossing a stream, and the sounds of the gurgeling water and the motion of the horse was really flirting with my ability to keep my eyes open. I didn't want to pass out on my horse in a pathetic way, it was no doubt that Aragon was tired too; we all had dark circles under our eyes, except for Legolas. By now, the mane of my horse was looking like a nice place to lay my head down for a bit. My eyes were so heavy that I had to force them to stay open and navigate my horse. Maybe if I just shut my eyes for one second... defeated I closed my eyes and let a woderful sleep wash over me. Next thing I new I was drifting into consciousness, although I didn't want to open my eyes or move because I was so comfortable. I felt a warm body behind me, the gentle rhythm of someones's breath, and their hair tickeling my face. I peeked up from under my eyelashes and saw Legolas's silvery blonde hair and his arms around me, holding the reins of the horse. "What happened"? I thought, did I fall off my horse, please tell me I didn't because that would be quite embarassing. Now that I thought back, I remembered only closing for my eyes for one second. I must of fallen asleep. "Good evening sleeping beauty." Legolas smiled down at me. I tried to sit up straighter in the saddle and fix my hair which probably lookd like a haystack. "Hi, oh my gosh how long was I out? Usually I don't really pass out like that. I'm sorry, you didn't have to carry me."
"About 10 hours. We're nearly there now. And it's quite alright, I thought maybe you should ride with me when you were practically dangeling off your horse." So I didn't fall off, that was good at least. "Wow, well thank you I didn't want to be a burden but then again I'm just a puny human. I'm glad we're nearly there, I must look a fright."
"Not at all, and don't degrade yourself, personally I think your quite brave to have volunteered to come with us. I'm sure it hasn't been all that enjoyable to be with us. And to the contrary you look quite beautiful." I blushed and stared very hard at the side of my boots. "Thank you, thats so kind of you to say, and for the record how could I not be enjoying myself when I have such nice company." I tried to give a smodlering smile than the beautiful Elven girls would give, and internally slapped myself for such blunt flirting. "Likewise." He replied and gently brushed the side of my hand. I hoped that he wouldn't notice my racing heartbeat as we entered the gates of Rivendell.

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